My main interest and passion is CG Animation and Project Management.

You can find my CG and Project management focus pages below!

This and more is in my general portfolio below!

Animation Reel

Dinner Date

Group Film

Dinner Date is a group film made by 13 LCAD students in Spring 2022.

I was the project manager of this short film. It was my job to make sure all deadlines were meet and schedules were followed, each week I lead the review of the work handed in and assigned jobs and roles that aligned with every animator’s personal strengths. I was also in charge of all file organization making sure each scene ran smoothly as multiple people animated at the same time and doing what I could to make sure the animation programs ran without technical difficulties. I created a discord server where I was in frequent communications with all the animators, so I could check in on work and answer any questions. I had a hand in many scenes but most prominently in: Scene 1, where I did all animation, clean up, and color for the mermaid tail, Scene 3 with help inbetweening, cleanup, and color on the mermaid, and Scene 2 where I helped with some cleanup and color on the lady.
