Dinner Date

Group Film

Dinner Date is a group film made by 13 LCAD students in Spring 2022.

I was the project manager of this short film. It was my job to make sure all deadlines were meet and schedules were followed, each week I lead the review of the work handed in and assigned jobs and roles that aligned with every animator’s personal strengths. I was also in charge of all file organization, making sure each scene ran smoothly as multiple people animated at the same time, and doing what I could to make sure the animation programs ran without technical difficulties. I created a discord server where I was in frequent communications with all the animators, so I could check in on work and answer any questions. I had a hand in many scenes but most prominently in: Scene 1, where I did all animation, clean up, and color for the mermaid tail, Scene 3 with help inbetweening, cleanup, and color on the mermaid, and Scene 2 where I helped with some cleanup and color on the lady.

I was the Women in Animation President for Laguna College of Art and Design Student Chapter. I was the press secretary from September 2022 and became the president in December 2022. I served as the President of the club from December 2022 till December 2023

I ran student events and organized resources and opportunities that would be useful to our members. I work with WIA to host events like art demos, guest speakers, workshops, and networking/socializing opportunities. I’m also in charge of LCAD WIA board meeting and agendas, making sure we are all on the same page and work efficiently as a team.

I have also worked with other WIA student chapters to run a nationwide WIA AniJam that took place in March 2023.

In March/April 2023 Many WIA chapter presidents got together to host a world wide Animation Jam!

I was one of the head organizers for both of the two events. The 72 hour AniJam and the SlowJam which was two weeks. I took the lead on the SlowJam, giving participants more guidance over their longer project. I created a production schedule, and followed up with two meetings weekly for each group. Keeping track of progress, helping with any technical problems, and keeping up moral, were part of those meetings while overseeing my participating groups.

The organizers all worked together to create AniJam resources like powerpoints on “how to Jam” processes and schedules for 2d and 3d projects. We sorted putting participants into teams, and worked closely together on the file management, rules, and regulations.

Our teams put a lot of work into this project, and we hope you enjoy the films!

WIA 72 hour AniJam March 2023

WIA SlowJam AniJam March/April 2023

I am strongly inspired and passionate about CG work and processes. As I was working on my CG thesis, which is uncommon to have a 3D thesis at my school, I had many students coming up to me asking for help and knowledge about different CG processes. It made me realize that there is so much to learn and so many different aspects of CG used in different departments and majors. I’m striving to understand the many varying uses of CG programs, which inspired me to found and be the President of the “CGI Fridays” Club to allow others the chance to learn as well.

I founded the club to give CG/3D resources, demos, and more to students of all majors. The club’s goal is to allow students to learn more about the use of CG in other majors, departments, and pipelines. Also to give students time and resources to help learn or practice CG that can apply to their own work/majors. We hold weekly meetings dedicated to the learning of all the different processes and functions of 3D. We aim to give all students the resources they would need to learn how to use CG programs to their own benefit, and to dive in head first to the ever expanding world of CG!