
My name is Samantha Ackerman, but all my friends call me Sam! I was born and raised in New Jersey, but then followed my passion of animation all the way across the country to the Bay Area, then picked up and moved again to study at Laguna College of Art and Design in Laguna Beach. I’m an energetic person who loves the outdoors, socializing, and most of all my pets! With four dogs and my rabbit, Su, I can face anything the world can throw at me.

I have just graduated from LCAD in December 2023 earning my BFA in Animation. While learning animation I have found that I love character animating and discovered a passion for CG. I am currently working on my thesis short film with both 2d and CG elements, I cannot wait to release it and enter it in film festivals. Along with my love of CG I have also come to find that I have great skills as a project manager. I was project manager of the 2022 LCAD group film “Dinner Date”. If you want to watch “Dinner Date” it is posted on my portfolio page. I also take great pride in providing resources and knowledge to my fellow students, I am the president of LCAD’s WIA Collective and the co-founder and president of the CGI Fridays Club. You can learn more about my hand in these groups on my Project Management page.

Thank you for following me on my artistic journey! I look forward to continue showing my artwork to you!

Meet Sam